Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Okay, so I fell off the Bandwagon....but, I'm a Weight Loss Junkie again!


Last week I fell off the bandwagon - big time! I drank Diet Coke instead of Liv SXinney. I ate chocolate instead of vegetables. I overloaded on carbohydrates and ate very little protein. In other words, I REALLY screwed up! My reason, or rather, my excuse, was I was stressed out and doing taxes.

I was stressed out. That's certainly the truth. Because I had procrastinated, I had to collect and organize over $20,000 in receipts! I was emailing companies I had purchased from, calling them, begging them to send me receipts and invoices. I was frantic as I searched through credit card and bank statements. In the process, I simply made bad choices. In fact, I chose to fall into the trap of excuses.

The Side Effects of Bad Choices

Besides not losing any weight, I felt tired, stressed, sick and exhausted. What I realized was that I actually had something to compare with how I have been feeling these past few months since I started my Liv SXinney program.

Okay, I'm not Sharing Needles...

I am a Liv SXinney JUNKIE! I know I need to drink my little green concoction to lose weight and feel good. It's what has worked for me in the shortest period of time in the past 21 years! So, if they tell me I have to snort this stuff....I will!

Thanks to all my wonderful friends who support me in all aspects of my life! Because of you, I am blessed!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Where's My Butt? My Disappearing Act...

Ladies and Gentleman!
Introducing, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Susan Booth!

See what happens when she says the magic words, "Liv SXinney!"

Her bottom will completely disappear!

Is it Magic?

I woke up this morning and put on a pair of jeans that my friend Glenna had given me since my size 18 pants no longer fit me anymore. That's when I realized that I was missing a body part. Where was my butt? My pants had nothing to hang on.

I've never been one to wear the low rise pants with the thongs showing. Brittney Spears completely destroyed the self esteem of millions of tubby ladies when she made that a fashion trend a few years ago. Now that it's no longer in fashion, (I do watch What Not to Wear on TLC occasionally), my underwear is hanging out a good 3 inches above my waistband. Unfortunately, not having felt that sexy this past decade, I have resorted to wearing, what my daughter refers to as, granny undies. Okay, it's not attractive, but seeing 3 inches of white cotton above my jeans is really exciting!

I hope I haven't grossed you out or made you lose your lunch by sharing that, but it is interesting is how I'm beginning to feel sexier, prettier and more confident!

Becoming a Hottie...

Yesterday, while on my son's school field trip, I was grouped with the single father of one of my son's class mates, to chaperon 5 kids at the museum. We were laughing about raising children and having fun with the kids when he said, "Let me see your hands". Innocently, I put them out in front of me, thinking he was going to comment on the two Spiderman Bandaids on my fingers. As he looked at my wedding ring, he said, "Oh, I figured you must be married. If you weren't I would have invited you our to dinner." Wow! I was getting hit on!

He actually was very sweet and I am considering introducing him to one of my sisters.

Please know that I absolutely believe in the sanctity of marriage and love my husband very much. I would never consider doing something to jeopardize our relationship. However, it felt great to have someone be attracted to me in that way.

My husband, who doesn't really have a way with words, once said this to me, "You're not the fattest hottie, but you're the hottest fattie". If you knew my husband, you would know that he didn't say that to be offensive, it really was his idea of a compliment. (Sigh...)

When I shared with Paul what had happened, he looked at me and simply said, "You really are looking good these days. Just know that I love you regardless of how much you weigh." That was the best thing he could have said to me. My heart just swelled!

My husband really does have a way with words. He's such a romantic.


P.S. My little guy, Oscar is so funny! When he took that picture of my behind, he said, "You blinked!" What a great kid! It's wonderful having the support of the people you love. Thank you to all!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Devil Made Me Do It, But I Wasn't Cast Into The Pit of Despair....

Who knew that the devil would come in the form of a Fat Boy Ice Cream Sandwich?

I had opened up the freezer, wanting to take out some chicken to defrost for tomorrow, when all of I sudden I was put into a deep hypnotic trance. I couldn't take my eyes off of the package! Before me was an unopened box of The Original Fat Boy Ice Cream Sandwiches, 12 Count package no less.

Now, if your taste buds have never experienced the Fat Boy, count yourself as lucky. These are the most delicious, high fat, high carbohydrate, frozen treat known to man! They actually were invented in 1925 by a fellow Utahan named, Casper Merrill. He apparently had a devised an evil plot to cause those of us with sweet tooth's to be unable to resist this frozen concoction. Where did the forbidden treat come from? Who would be so insensitive to my attempts to lose weight? It was sabotage!

In one flail swoop, I grabbed the box, tore it open, took out the individually wrapped ice cream sandwich, tore off the plastic covering and took a HUGE bite. Wow! It was so incredible, the chocolate and vanilla combination was exhilarating! I actually ate the entire thing, standing with the freezer wide open. Like a complete junkie, I reached in the box for another one. Suddenly, a flickering of consciousness hit me. What was I doing?

If you can envision the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other, here is how the conversation went:

Devil: You blew it! Just have another one. Heck! Just eat the whole box! You'll feel bad for a while, but you'll get over it. You screwed up the whole day now! You can't take back the one that you ate. Nobody needs to know you have no self control. You're a complete idiot.

Angel: Okay, so you had a Fat Boy. No biggie, just don't have another. You were doing so good today. You can still well. Eat half of your turkey burger instead of the whole thing for dinner. It's okay, just adapt a little. Don't beat yourself up.

I slowly, put the package back in the freezer and closed the door. One frozen treat wasn't going to destroy all I had worked for! I didn't want to feel bad like I have in the past. I wasn't going to give in to guilt. I could move past this without it destroying my whole day.

The lesson here is simply to allow yourself to mess up on occasion without taking you off course. No one is perfect. In fact, I think the the idea of having to be perfect when on a diet or weight loss program is one of the major causes of failure and why people fall off the wagon.

You can eat a Fat Boy. Skinny people eat Fat Boy's too. They just eat one.


P.S. I wanted to quickly add that I did run and grab my SXinney Mist and sprayed it in my mouth. SXinney Mist cuts off the sugar receptors in your tongue for about 30 minutes after you use it. So, for example, say you really like chocolate (mmmmm.....) and you only want one piece and not the whole bag, simply eat and enjoy your one piece, then spray the SXinney Mist in your mouth. When you go for that second piece, you won't be able to taste sugar, but you'll taste everything else! Eeeewwww! I call it Will Power in a bottle!