Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Okay, so I fell off the Bandwagon....but, I'm a Weight Loss Junkie again!


Last week I fell off the bandwagon - big time! I drank Diet Coke instead of Liv SXinney. I ate chocolate instead of vegetables. I overloaded on carbohydrates and ate very little protein. In other words, I REALLY screwed up! My reason, or rather, my excuse, was I was stressed out and doing taxes.

I was stressed out. That's certainly the truth. Because I had procrastinated, I had to collect and organize over $20,000 in receipts! I was emailing companies I had purchased from, calling them, begging them to send me receipts and invoices. I was frantic as I searched through credit card and bank statements. In the process, I simply made bad choices. In fact, I chose to fall into the trap of excuses.

The Side Effects of Bad Choices

Besides not losing any weight, I felt tired, stressed, sick and exhausted. What I realized was that I actually had something to compare with how I have been feeling these past few months since I started my Liv SXinney program.

Okay, I'm not Sharing Needles...

I am a Liv SXinney JUNKIE! I know I need to drink my little green concoction to lose weight and feel good. It's what has worked for me in the shortest period of time in the past 21 years! So, if they tell me I have to snort this stuff....I will!

Thanks to all my wonderful friends who support me in all aspects of my life! Because of you, I am blessed!

1 comment:

  1. You are but human my dear friend and you did something that few people would do - you got right back on track. And I too am right there beside you all the way!! Way to go Susan! Who loves ya baby!!!
