Sunday, March 29, 2009

Becoming a Butterfly!

I woke up this morning and just felt smaller. I stepped on the scale and sure enough, I had lost another pound. This makes a total of 24 lbs. Wow! Of course it's great having my clothes feel looser ( I can pull down my jeans without unbuttoning or unzipping them!), but what's amazing to me is how different I feel about myself.

There is an interesting dynamic that happens when you start to lose start to gain confidence. It's not just the compliments from other people, but an inner pride that starts to develop. I want to rejoin society again! Now, I don't want anyone to think that I've been a hermit or a recluse these past years, but I know that I've let my weight keep me from doing the things I want to do and achieving the success I deserve. I haven't allowed myself to live the live I want because of my weight situation. I wonder how many other people are limiting themselves because of how they feel about themselves...

I feel like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly! The transformation isn't complete, but each day brings changes that will help me take flight!

I'm grateful.

1 comment:

  1. You are right...every pound I lose I feel a littel better about myself. It's not easy doing the right thing in today's society because food (bad food) is all around us. But doing the right thing with our bodies is always feel better the day after. It's a process but one most of us can win if we try harder each day. Thank you for your help Susan
