Monday, March 30, 2009

Half a Pound Counts! (Or less...)

I have decided to celebrate today! Normally, I only count full pounds as part of my total weight loss, but I started to think about it...every little bit counts! I am down .2 lbs. Okay, it doesn't seem like much, but it all adds up to success!

Today I am going to count all the little wins and successes in my life. Life is too short for anything less. I recently read a wonderful book called The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olsen. It's a life changer and I highly recommend it. He talks about doing a little something everyday to improve. After a while, those small changes and efforts add up. He's right!

What little things are you going to do differently today that will add up in your life?

There's no secret to getting started. You simply decide and then take your first step. With each subsequent step, the next one becomes easier...
—Tom Venuto, fitness expert

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Susan! Who else would I want to follow than you. I have been overweight almost all of my life and know also the struggles that you have had and boy have I had some but like you I am finding that each and every ounce makes a difference and I am down 8.2 pounds. Thanks for making this so much fun. I love you!!! Liv Sxinney, is there any other way???
